Hello, I’m Steven.

One Earth Day not so very long ago, I was sitting in a bar in London with a couple of work mates and we decided we had to do something different.

You know how it goes: one drink leads to another, and eventually to all-out brassy bravado.

Worried by the seeming calamity of climate change, we decreed to ourselves that we simply had to do something for our precious Azure Planet, to help, to change things.

We decided to start a new company.

A sustainable business. A renewable energy business.

This blog tells a little of that story. Only a little, because the journey is still unfurling…

But already, one turn along the way has taken me to Cambridge. Realising I didn’t know as much as I should about renewable energy, our climate, and sustainability, I’m now a student at the University of Cambridge’s Institute of Sustainability Leadership on a Master’s degree course.

Here’s my top tip: don’t ever try to launch a new company, especially one that is trying to save the world, at the same time as starting a Master’s degree. It hurts.

Only kidding.